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How 0 cent click cost led to Globale Media’s revenue and profit growth?


conversions/day at revenue run rate of $5M/annum


Employees in 2 ofices (Singapore and India)

1.5 years



Countries of operation

Globale Media is a mobile advertising company dedicated to helping advertisers with branding and user acquisition for various app developers like Babbel, Flipkart, Oyorooms, Lazada, Medlife etc. to ensure the best quality traffic over mobile and social channels.

The company specializes in digital marketing for all major kinds of app verticals including gaming, e-commerce, lifestyle, utilities, social, education, entertainment and others on CPM, CPI, CPA and CPS cost models. Globale Media’s dedicated team clearly sees the goals of advertisers/app developers and tries to deliver the best ROI positive results through interest, age and user-based targeting with access to direct publishers.

The challenges

The pricing model of Globale Media’s previous platform was based on CPC, what meant being charged on the monthly clicks volumes and always facing a tedious task of controlling clicks for different campaigns. It also affected CPA campaigns, where CRs are lower compared to CPI campaigns as the conversion happens much later in the attribution funnel.

Working under this model resulted in multiple efforts required 24/7 to keep an eye on clicks and pause the publishers bringing conversions with negative ROI or occasionally even publishers with low CR due to the clicks’ cost. Inevitably this led to the loss of potential revenues. In total Globale Media’s team was spending close to 20 man-hours per week to control these clicks.

Secondly, Globale Media were not fully satisfied with the UI of the old platform. It took much time to load, especially in the case of more extensive reports and display of currently live, paused or deleted offers in the platform.


The solution that turned out to be a game changer for Globale Media was Affise unique payment scheme, pay per conversion. Affise Pay-per-Conversion strategy enabled Globale Media to take more CPA and CPS campaigns live, what subsequently brought a significant increase in its revenues. Globale Media’s publishers are satisfied with the fact that Globale Media is approving them more and more CPA campaigns as per the trend of the market which is changing towards CPA day by day.

Additionally, UI of Affise is much more user-friendly compared to Globale Media’s previous platform, what results into faster:

  • generation of reports in the stats section,
  • creating campaigns in the offer section,
  • loading of the dashboard with the general overview of the client’s performance.


Revenue Increase
It didn’t take long to see the results. After switching to Affise Globale Media saw a significant increase in our revenues, primarily from CPA and CPS campaigns. Additionally, the client’s ROI on CPI campaigns increased as they were no longer paying for clicks and were in a position to run lower payout campaigns as well.

Globale Media was happy to share their achievements with Affise:

  • The share of CPA campaigns in the revenues increased from the previous 10% to almost 50% within a month of using Affise.
  • ROI on CPI increased almost 5X times by reducing their click costs to 0.
  • Overall revenue increased 50% and net profit doubled within 2 months after switching to Affise.

Customer Support
The client also received a detailed training from Affise Customer Support team to ensure Globale Media’s smooth transition from their previous platform to Affise. Among the other things Affise Customer Support team also made sure that on top of the features available on the previous platform new features are also available on Affise.

Saved numerous man-hours
Thanks to Affise automated service of pulling advertisers offers, CPAPI, Globale Media now can save much time on manual tasks. It’s a feature that allowed them to integrate with demand and supply partners as well as automate data transfer what resulted in saving much time and shifting focus on the quality of their traffic.

“Affise is one of the most agile and stable platforms in the mobile performance marketing industry right now.
The way they keep their technology up to date is quite commendable. Using Affise for our performance marketing campaigns has proved to be ROI-beneficial for our team and clients overall. The UI is user-friendly, and the customer support team is prompt and thoughtful.
Highly Recommended!”
Bhavesh Talreja CEO, Globale Media

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