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Affise Performance – July 2022 Updates

Statistics (Smartlinks)

– There are links to conversions in the Statistics → Smartlinks tab. The QTY values are clickable

Statistics (Smartlinks)

API (Offer – hold period)

– The hold_type parameter is added to the  add/edit offer of the API doc. It’s responsible for specifying the hold period type (days/hours)

API (Offer - hold period)

Offer (Сreatives)

– When duplicating an offer, the creatives in it are also duplicated.

Statistics (Conversions)

– In the Edit columns in Statistics → Conversions, it’s possible to set the order of the columns on the list.

Statistics (Conversions)

Affiliates list, Offers list

– In the Affiliates list and the Offers list, the Statistics button is displayed as a separate button.

Affiliates list, Offers list

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