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Updates — 08 May 2023

User Management Feature Release

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  • Affise Releases Functional to Manage Data Access and Platform Users

Affise Releases Functional to Manage Data Access and Platform Users

Monitoring and evaluating results of advertising campaigns is crucial for each players of performance marketing: affiliate managers monitor activities and results of their affiliates, account managers gather statistics for advertisers and a head of affiliate department takes control over the overall performance of each affiliate program. That means that the whole team of people interact with performance marketing platform and each member of the team plays their part and bears responsibility for it. Accordingly, different team members perform their part of the work using different functionalities.

Considering the importance of differentiating user roles within a platform and the sensitivity of data, Affise has released extended User Management functionality, which allows to give different access levels and permissions for different team members.

What’s new? 

Benefits of User Management

-Compliance with Data Protection Regulations (e.g. GDPR): our clients’ employees can only access the data that are necessary for the activities they are responsible for.

-Personal approach: each user views the info which is directly related to his\her responsibilities, which, in turn, saves the manager’s time and reduces the risk of mistakes.

User Management is Done Easier

As you can see, with new functional Affise lets you manage your team smartly and stay GDPR compliant by clearly defining users’ roles and data access permissions. With more features coming soon, Affise is becoming even more user friendly and easy to manage. Stay Affised not to miss newest feature releases, or contact your Customer Success manager to know more details.

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Affise Academy

Affise is a partner marketing platform for brands, advertisers and agencies to scale via all possible performance marketing channels. Synergy of technology and our long standing experience lets you expand your partnerships, automate every step of the campaign lifecycle and make data-driven decisions.

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