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News — 08 May 2023

Top 5 Features Released in 2020

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Affise Top 5 Features Released in 2020

The year 2020 is a year to remember. No one will doubt that. More than ever, we learned how unstable and rapidly changing things could be. Following that, we learned how to adapt, be creative, come up with new solutions, interact with customers better, listen to their needs, choose what matters the most, and develop the most significant features.

Among the other things that happened throughout the year, we want to have a look at the most visible results that directly impact our clients’ work – features released in 2020.

And as December is traditionally wrap-up time, we humbly would like to tell you once again about the features we worked hard to deliver during this year. But this time, we asked our clients which features contributed to their work the most throughout the year. And here what they chose. Please, meet the TOP 5 features from 2020.

State-of-the-art Statistics Design

In partner marketing, we rely a lot on the statistics we receive from running ad campaigns. It is where the design of dashboards play a vital role. To give an accurate understanding of the performance, a dashboard should be intuitive, flexible, and straightforward. Therefore, looking from a diverse perspective, we launched the process of redesigning Affise statistics.

We combined experiences from different areas, such as design thinking, customer development, user experience, and the latest technologies into one concept that we implemented in the new statistics design. What we have right now is a fully customizable statistics section with the ability to do the necessary calculations without leaving the platform.

New statistics design allows you to focus on the most significant indicators by:

  • Arranging statistics columns by order of importance
  • Applying needed formulas 
  • Creating new metrics and indicators
  • Renaming default columns and creating new ones
  • Allowing multiple reports within one page.

Read more about Statistics design advantages.

New Design of Affiliate Panel

While improving the user interface of the admin panel, we also worked on the panel for affiliates. We were looking for a balance between the vast number of tools and ease of use to implement in the affiliate panel. We know how important the brand is for business communications and how important it is to provide affiliates with a convenient tool.

Today affiliates can switch between vertical and horizontal menus and choose between light and dark modes to work on. With new visualization tools, you can enjoy a сlear and balanced layout. Further, you can now always stay in touch with your business partners due to a user-friendly mobile version.


Traffic Distribution Feature

We never stop improving the targeting’s functionality, and the traffic distribution feature is proof of that. Affise traffic distribution feature allows “weighting” different tracking links within the same targeting groups. In other words, the new feature enables you to set the percentage of traffic distribution between different tracking links within one targeting group.

In this way, advertisers can distribute traffic at a particular ratio among creatives or landing pages they have within one offer. Beforehand they can split the traffic within one offer and test which landing page converts better. Additionally, with several URLs running simultaneously, advertisers can also present other offers that a visitor might be more prone to take.

Tags Management

One step further to make your work at the Affise platform an easy part, we implemented the tag management system that allows users to group advertisers, offers, and affiliates according to their topics and categories of interest.

With this feature, users can easily filter statistics without entering id’s one by one, apply mass actions and work faster, and reduce the risk of human errors. Analyzing data, doing qualitative or quantitative research is much easier when the data is properly collected and grouped.

Affise Reach

The whole year we have been talking about the importance of building partnership relations to grow a business. We made a huge step forward to automate this process with our new service, Affise Reach. Affise Reach represents a global place that brings together brands and networks to expand their partnerships and accelerate business growth.

Affise Reach is convenient for both parties: advertisers and agencies, and represents two marketplaces: Affise Brands and Affise Vendors. 

At the Affise Brand section, advertisers can post their offers, which are shown in the form of cards with a brief overview and payment terms. Agencies and affiliate networks can apply for an offer and register as an affiliate in the advertiser’s system.

While affiliate networks and publishers can promote themselves via Affise Vendors. All advertisers connected to Affise Reach will be able to find and recruit them through informative profiles and handy search options. 

Instead of conclusion. We are delighted to see that features released in 2020 resonated with our users, and they notice a qualitative difference in the way they work. We expected 2020 to be productive, and it was. Despite everything, we managed to stay focused on what is essential to our users and swiftly develop it.

We promise even more for you in 2021! Stay Affised!

Is your company searching for a full technology stack to boost a partner program in 2021?

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Affise Academy

Affise is a partner marketing platform for brands, advertisers and agencies to scale via all possible performance marketing channels. Synergy of technology and our long standing experience lets you expand your partnerships, automate every step of the campaign lifecycle and make data-driven decisions.

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