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Adjust & Affise

The Adjust integration offers precise mobile attribution, in-depth audience insights, and advanced fraud prevention, ensuring that your affiliate campaigns perform at their best.

The Adjust integration provides affiliate marketers with powerful tools for tracking and optimizing mobile app performance. Adjust’s focus on precise attribution, audience segmentation, and in-depth app analytics helps you get a clearer picture of your users’ journey. Additionally, its industry-leading fraud prevention features ensure that your campaigns are secure and your ad spend is protected.

Why Use Adjust with Affise: Integrating Adjust with Affise provides our clients with the tools they need to optimize mobile app performance and protect against ad fraud. With Adjust, you can gain deeper insights into user behavior, refine your audience targeting, and ensure that your mobile campaigns are performing efficiently and securely.

Unlock the full potential of your mobile affiliate marketing efforts with Adjust, combining precise attribution, audience insights, and comprehensive fraud protection.

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