29 и 30 августа в Белграде пройдет G GATE CAMP — бизнес-фестиваль на 2500 человек от лидеров ивент-индустрии
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Affise Performance – November 2022 Updates

Affiliate panel (tracking link)

— In the affiliate panel, the tracking link is fully displayed when hovering over it

Affiliate panel tracking link

Cap for impressions

— When adding a cap via bulk action, it is possible to select a cap for impressions.

Cap for impressions

Overcap for impressions

The Overcap for impressions checkbox is added to the offer edit page.

Overcap for impressions

Statistics (Server postbacks)

— On the Server posbacks slice of Statistics, the Parameters checkbox in the export window is changed to Postback parameters checkbox. The Delta checkbox is added.

Tracking link

— The following macros for advertiser’s tracking link are added:

Statistics (Server postbacks)

Offers (Payouts)

There are restrictions on the characters used in the Sub fields in the Offers > Payouts.

Available only letters (a-z A-Z), numbers(0-9) and the symbols: -,._{}+=/:~

Offers (Payouts)

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